WFH Just Got Happier: Quokka Brew’s Tips for At Home Optimization

WFH Just Got Happier: Quokka Brew’s Tips for At Home Optimization

With Work From Home options being extended in companies like Google, Amazon and REI, it is evident the at-home office space has jumped a few rungs on the ladder of importance. With many college courses remaining online until 2021 and the overall uncertainty that shrouds campus reopenings, WFH impacts students and professionals across the board. This is the new normal for at least the rest of the year, and the team at Quokka Brew recognize adapting to the change isn’t easy for everyone. Here are some quick tips for maximizing your output at home.

Establish Some Routine and Normalcy

To combat the monotony of Work From Home, people across the nation are establishing new habits to break up their daily routine. Rather than rolling into work right out of bed, there’s some merit to starting your day off properly.

Dressing for success is a widely accepted mantra in the professional world and can still be applied when working from home. Putting on a collared shirt with nice pants might go a long way if you’ve been rocking the traditional Skype-Interview look. Though it might not be as comfy as your PJs, a well put together outfit can help put you in a productive mindset. Of course not everyday needs to be greeted with a suit and tie, but breaking up your outfits might add some spice to your work from home life.

“The Fake Commute” hails from a couple different personal anecdotes. Long before WFH was a standard for the professional world, people who worked remotely had to find ways to feel like they belonged to the professional communities around them. The fake commute entails a fictional commute route someone takes all the way to their home-office or bedroom. Not that you should get in your car and drive a full circle to enter a bit of traffic, or take a subway to one stop just to take it all the way back, a fake commute could be the workday start you need. 

The purpose of the fake commute is to signify to your brain that you’re starting your work day. This could be a lap around your block, down a flight of stairs, or around your kitchen. Whatever your fake commute might be, the physical action of “going to work” could be enough to lock you into your job. 

The Standing Desk

Coming in at number one, we examine the standing desk.  New studies have shown standing desks in office spaces can keep employees energized, happier and focused. But how?

Standing at your desk may seem like it takes more effort and won’t be as comfortable as sitting, but that is kind of the point. The additional effort of standing allows for better blood flow and circulation throughout the body, in turn, boosting overall energy levels. Increased blood flow aids heart health, battles diabetes, and can fight against obesity. Additionally, standing up prevents slouching in your chair. Say goodbye to lower back pain.

Alongside the health benefits of standing at work, studies nod to increased productivity and focus. When you stand your body is looser and more capable of entering peak performance. Combine fluidity with the increased energy, and you’re on your way to staying on top of whatever task is at hand.

We’re well aware buying an entirely new desk isn’t quite feasible for most people. The beauty of WFH is that you can make a standing desk almost anywhere. Whether that be your kitchen countertops, books stacked on your current desk, or propping your computer on top of a dresser, standing at work has never been more accessible. Give it a try-- your lower back and pile of work might thank you later.

Jitterless Energy

Through the trial and error of finding out what works for us while we WFH, we’ve come to find one thing that has helped the Quokka Brew team hit our goals: jitterless energy.

What started off as a quest to find the perfect beverage to help us cram during finals week, has become our favorite product for staying focused and energized throughout our work days. During college, we found regular caffeine was affecting our moods, which affected our focus, which then affects our performance. Similarly, we’ve found big changes to our daily routines have affected our moods, focus and performance. 

At Quokka Brew, we realize the importance of staying focused and on target. So, we’ve done all the work and experimentation to make sure everyone can continue putting in the hours, even from home. Our jitterless energy, derived from a blend of coffee and nootropics prevents the caffeine crash and allows for a steady stream of energy all day. 

Say goodbye to caffeine-induced mood swings and the loss of focus due to the midday crash. Instead, greet your workday with Quokka Brew. Whether you’re working from home or are back in the office, sitting at your desk or standing, whether, you walk around your block or roll out of bed, we’ve got your back. 


Article by: Will Doerr